Uniting the Galaxies

A government focused on providing aid to worlds, ensuring main freedoms of choice, and above all spread the new gift to all Elmin.

First Contact

Following the footsteps of the Eldar race, married couples without children are sent as delegates to worlds not aligned with the republic and settle there for a year meeting with officials. If the planet united and decided to join the republic in the year timespan, the couple would then be responsible to serve another year as delegates between that world and the republic helping communication and other necessities flow unhindered. After this time, the couple has the option to settle down and retire from service to the republic and start a family either on the new planet or travel back home. If they decide to continue service they will begin the cycle again at a new planet.

If the delegation mission is not completed within that first year, they will be sent to a different planet on the same mission and a new three party team, from Republic Planetary Investigation (R.P.I.) will meet with world officials for three weeks to confirm they are not interested in joining at this time.

If the world decides not to join, the republic will leave whatever relief and infrastructure installations they had installed and give a departing gift.

Unifying the Galaxies

Under one System

Relief efforts begin, technology is introduced, and the Cai is taught.

Completion of the cycle

Once the new system has stabilized, it then begins to train and provide troops and resources to the republic to fuel the effort against the Lohkai and any other warring body.